Monday, February 18, 2008

One Year Ago Today...

...I arrived in Honduras. I left San Francisco over a year ago, on February 11th. We were supposed to arrive in Honduras on the 14th, but the weather had other ideas. What can I say? Time has flown since then, so it must mean I'm having fun, right?

I am. I'm glad I decided to do the Peace Corps, glad I'm in the health project, glad I was sent to Trujillo. There are definitely frustrating days (I had a doozy of one last week) but all in all it's been a great experience and I think it will continue to be so.

One thing I'd like to say is thanks to all the friends and family who have stayed in touch with letters, phone calls, emails, carrier pigeons, etc... Your support means a lot to me and this would have been a lot harder without it.

1 comment:

Paul Kremer said...

Just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your blog! I know you don't know me, I found it one day while searching for information about Honduras before my trip. I have visited there myself, in the Siguatepeque area, and enjoyed the experience. I enjoy reading about your experiences, and subscribe via the feed. Keep up the updates!