Monday, July 28, 2008

Twitter and Tigo

I recently started using Twitter, a micro-blogging tool. A cool feature is that you can write updates on your cell phone. Setting up your twitter account to accept updates from a USA cell phone is a breeze, but it wasn't quite as clear how to do it for a Tigo cellphone in Honduras.

So if any of you out there want to Twitter with your Tigo phone, here's how you do it:

1. Sign up for a Twitter account.
2. Go to this page.
3. Enter your phone number using the following format +504XXXXXXXX.
4. Send the confirmation text message to 00447624801423.
5. Check Twitter after a minute or so and your phone should be set up!

You can follow my Twitter updates here.

Thanks to @mangandini and his blog DesdeGuate for help setting this up.


Anonymous said...

or you could use and sync to twitter and facebook, sms will be cheaper since blipea phone number is from tigo.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, for me it doesn't work :-\ , I've tried all day long to confirm my cellphone (Tigo), and it just won't work... Sux... I think I will follow the comment left below, lol, maybe that'll be easier... Thanks though...